The phone rings at One Mediation. The caller wants to mediate the divorce, but has no idea whether the other spouse will do it. Mediation requires both spouses to agree to participate in the process, so now what?
Private divorce mediation firms often offer simple solutions.
At One Mediation, for example, the office will contact the other spouse to extend an invitation to mediate and to share divorce mediation resources. Sometimes this is done by email with an invitation to contact the office to answer questions and more. Other times, the inviting spouse lets the other spouse know that One Mediation will be giving them a call about a mediation appointment. Sometimes getting the conversation started is the beginning of productive dialogue and resolution.
Communication issues? A mediator can help. Call to find out more or register for divorce seminars in your neighborhood. April 17th, One Mediation will be offering its “Crash Course Divorce” that provides a solid overview of the legal process of divorce in Georgia. Call 404-720-0599 or go to for more information.
Filed under: Alimony, Child Custody, Child Support, Co-Parenting, Divorce, Mediation