Mediation is a confidential process. This confidentiality can make mediation seem mysterious, inaccessible, and even scary when it involves divorce. Save family lawyers and divorce mediators, most individuals facing divorce are uncertain about the divorce process that occurs in open court.
The unknown is often feared. Thus, the secrecy of mediation, generally viewed as a positive attribute, can be its own worst enemy particularly in the divorce context. Dispelling some of the mystery, a sample agenda for a divorce mediation can be accessed here.
To learn more about divorce mediation, there are mediation coaches and frequent seminars offered by One Mediation. Call 404-720-0599 to register for upcoming seminars or to schedule an appointment with a mediation coach.
Filed under: Alimony, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Arbitration, Child Custody, Child Support, Co-Parenting, Collaborative Law, Divorce, Equitable Division of Property, Infidelity, Mediation, Mediation Coaching, Neutrals, Property Division, Separation and Divorce